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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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International Bureau 



(51) International Patent Classification * . 
A61B 17/32 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 97/42888 

(43) International Publication Date: 20 November 1997 (20. 1 1 .97) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US97/08762 

(22) Internationa! Filing Date: 16 May 1997 (16.05.97) 

(30) Priority Data: 


17 May 1996 (17.05.96) 



14 June 1996(14.06.96) 



1 August 1996 (01.08.96) 



3 September 1996 (03.09.96) 



16 September 1996 (16.09.96) 



17 September 1996 (17.09.96) 



8 October 1996 (08.10.96) 


(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): MERCURY 

DIAGNOSTICS INC. [US/US]; Suite D, 1 137 San Antonio 
Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): DOUGLAS, Joel, S. 
[US/US]; 2048 Calabazas Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 
95051 (US). ROE, Jeffrey, N. [US/US]; 3212 Veracruz 
Drive, San Ramon, CA 94583 (US). RADWANSKI, 
Ryszard [US/US]; 7003 "G" Rodling Street, San Jose, CA 
95138 (US). GRAGE, Henry, M., Jr. [US/US]; 175 Tenby 
Terrace, Danville, CA 94506 (US). SANCHEZ, Michael, 
S. [US/US]; 682 Rustic Lane, Mountain View, CA 94040 

(US). DREXLER, Andrew, M, [US/US]; 12580 La Cresta 
Drive, Us Altos Hills. CA 94022 (US). DUCHON, Brent, 
G. [US/US]; 410 Milan Drive #106, San Jose, CA 95134 

(74) Agents: DILLAHUNTY, T., Gene et a!.; Bums, Doane, 
Swecker A Mathis, L.L.P., P.O. Box 1404, Alexandria, VA 
22313-1404 (US). 

(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR. 
GH, HU, 1L, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, 
LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, 
PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG. SI, SK, TJ, TM, TR, TT, 
UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ARIPO patent (GH, KE, LS, 
MW, SD. SZ, UG), Eurasian patent (AM, A2; BY, KG, KZ, 
MD, RU. TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK. 
patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, 
SN, TD, TG). 


With international search report. 

Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the 
claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of 

(57) Abstract 

A device and method for lancing a patient, virtually simul- 
taneously producing and collecting a small fluid sample from a 
body. The device comprises a blood collection system including a 
lancing needle (16), drive mechanism (11), kneading or vibration 
mechanism (25), optional suction system (7), and sample ejection 
mechanism. The device is preferably sized to be hand-held in one 
hand and operable with one hand. The device can optionally contain 
integral testing or analysis component (83) for receiving the sample 
and providing testing or analysis indication or readout for the user. 
A method involves piercing the skin at a rapid rate, kneading the 
surrounding area by ultrasonic action, piezoelectric or mechanical 
oscillation, to stimulate the blood flow from the wound, drawing the 
fluid using a pumping system. 


Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT. 




































United Kingdom 






Bosnia and Herzegovina 




Republic of Moldova 
















The former Yugoslav 




Burkina Rao 



Republic of Macedonia 










Trinidad and Tobago 
























United States of America 










Central African Republic 






Viet Nam 




















Democratie People' t 


New Zealand 



Republic of Korea 






Republic of Korea 










Czech Republic 


Saint Lucia 


Russian Federation 









Sri Lanka 









WO 97/42888 



Field of the Invention 

The present invention relates to devices and methods for obtaining 
samples of blood and other fluids from the body for analysis or processing. 

5 Background of the Invention 

Many medical procedures in use today require a relatively small sample 
of blood, in the range of 5 - 50 pL. It is more cost effective and less traumatic 
to the patient to obtain such a sample by lancing or piercing the skin at a 
selected location, such as the finger, to enable the collection of 1 or 2 drops of 

10 blood, than by using a phlebotomist to draw a tube of venous blood. With the 
advent of home use tests such as self monitoring of blood glucose, there is a 
requirement for a simple procedure which can be performed in any setting by a 
person needing to test. 

Lancets in conventional use generally have a rigid body and a sterile 

15 needle which protrudes from one end. The lancet may be used to pierce the 
skin, thereby enabling the collection of a blood sample from the opening 
created. The blood is transferred to a test device or collection device. Blood is 
most commonly taken from the fingertips, where the supply is generally 
excellent. However, the nerve density in this region causes significant pain in 

20 many patients. Sampling of alternate site, such as earlobes and limbs, is 

sometimes practiced to access sites which are less sensitive. These sites are also 
less likely to provide excellent blood samples and make blood transfer directly 
to test devices difficult. 

Repeated lancing in limited surface areas (such as fingertips) results in 

25 callous formation. This leads to increased difficulty in drawing blood and 
increased pain. 

To reduce the anxiety of piercing the skin and the associated pain, many 
spring loaded devices have been developed. The following two patents are 
representative of the devices which were developed in the 1980s for use with 
30 home diagnostic test products. 

WO 97/42888 


U.S. Patent No. 4,503,856, Cornell et al M describes a spring loaded lancet 
injector. The reusable device interfaces with a disposable lancet. The lancet 
holder may be latched in a retracted position. When the user contacts a release, 
a spring causes the lancet to pierce the skin at high speed and then retract. The 
5 speed is important to reduce the pain associated with the puncture. 

U.S. Patent No. 4,517,978, Levin et ah, describes a blood sampling 
instrument. This device, which is also spring loaded, uses a standard disposable 
lancet. The design enables easy and accurate positioning against a fingertip so 
the impact site can be readily determined. After the lancet pierces the skin, a 

10 bounce back spring retracts the lancet to a safe position within the device. 

In institutional settings, it is often desirable to collect the sample from 
the patient and then introduce the sample to a test device in a controlled fashion. 
Some blood glucose monitoring systems, for example, require that the blood 
sample be applied to a test device which is in contact with a test instrument. In 

15 such situations, bringing the finger of a patient directly to the test device poses 
some risk of contamination from blood of a previous patient. With such 
systems, particularly in hospital settings, it is common to lance a patient, collect 
a sample in a micropipette via capillary action and then deliver the sample from 
the pipette to the test device. 

20 U.S. Patent No. 4,920,977, Haynes, describes a blood collection assembly 

with lancet and microcollection tube. This device incorporates a lancet and 
collection container in a single device. The lancing and collecting are two 
separate activities, but the device is a convenient single disposable unit for 
situations when sample collection prior to use is desirable. Similar devices are 

25 disclosed in Sarrine, U.S. PaL No. 4,360,016, and- O'Brien, U.S. Pat. No. 

U.S. Patent Nos. 4,850,973 and 4,858,607, Jordan et al., disclose a 
combination device which may be alternatively used as a syringe-type injection 
device and a lancing device with disposable solid needle lancet, depending on 
30 configuration. 


WO 97/42888 


U.S. Patent No. 5,318,584, Lange et al, describes a Wood lancet device 
for withdrawing blood for diagnostic purposes. This invention uses a 
rotary/sliding transmission system to reduce the pain of lancing. The puncture 
depth is easily and precisely adjustable by the user. 
5 Suzuki et al., U.S. Patent No. 5,368,047, Dombrowski, U.S. Patent No. 

4,654,513 and Ishibashi et al., U.S. Patent No. 5,320,607, all describe suction- 
type blood samplers. These devices develop suction between the lancing site 
and the end of the device when the lancet holding mechanism withdraws after 
piercing the skin. A flexible gasket around the end of the device helps seal the 
10 end around the puncture site until adequate sample is drawn from the puncture 
site or the user pulls back on the device. 

U.S. Pat. No. 4,637,403, Garcia et al. and U.S. Pat. No. 5,217,480, Haber 
et al, disclose combination lancing and blood collection devices which use a 
diaphragm to create a vacuum over the wound site. 
15 International Application Publication Number WO 95/10223, Erickson et 

al, describes a means of collecting and measuring body fluids. This system uses 
a disposable lancing and suction device with a spacer member which compresses 
the skin around the lance/needle. 

Single use devices have also been developed for single use tests, i.e. 
20 home cholesterol testing, and for institutional use to eliminate cross-patient 

contamination multi-patient use. Crossman et al, U.S. Pat. No. 4,869,249, and 
Swierczek, U.S. Pat. No. 5,402,798, also disclose disposable, single use lancing 

Even with the many improvements which have been made, the pain 
25 associated with lancing remains a significant issue for many patients. The need 
for blood sampling and the fear of the associated pain is also a major obstacle 
for the millions of diagnosed diabetics, who do not adequately monitor their 
blood glucose due to the pain involved. Moreover, lancing to obtain a blood 
sample for other diagnostic applications is becoming more commonplace, and a 
30 less painful, minimally invasive device is needed to enhance those applications 
and make those technologies more acceptable. 

-3 - 

WO 97/42888 


An object of the present invention is to provide a device and a method 
for obtaining a sample of bodily fluid through the skin which is virtually pain 
free and minimally invasive. 

Another object of this invention is to provide a method which can result 
5 in a sample of either blood or interstitial fluid, depending on the sample site and 
the penetration depth utilized. While there are no commercially available 
devices utilizing interstitial fluid (ISF) at this time, there are active efforts to 
establish the con-elation of analytes, such as glucose, in ISF compared to whole 
blood. If ISF could be readily obtained and correlation is established, ISF may 
10 be preferable as a sample since there is no interference of red blood cells or 
hematocrit adjustment required. 

Another object of this invention is to provide a method which can draw a 
small but adjustable sample, i.e. 3 pL for one test device and 8 pL for another 
test device, as appropriate. 
15 Another object of this invention is to provide a method by which the 

drawn sample is collected and may be easily presented to a testing device, 
regardless of the location of the sample site on the body. This approach helps 
with infection control in that multiple patients are not brought in contact with a 
single test instrument; only the sampling device with a disposable patient- 
20 contact portion is brought to the test instrument. Alternatively, the disposable 
portion of a test device may be physically coupled with the sampler so the 
sample can be brought directly into the test device during sampling. The test 
device may then be read in a test instrument if appropriate or the testing system 
can be integrated into the sampler and the test device can provide direct results 
25 displayed for the patient. 

It is a further object of the invention is to provide a device for minimally 
invasive sampling comprising a reusable sampler and disposable sample 

Summary of the Invention 
30 In one aspect, the present invention relates to a device which uses 

mechanical motion to pierce the skin, and a mechanical kneading or oscillation 

WO 97/42888 


to produce a sample of fluid from the body and may employ a back pressure or 
vacuum to collect a small fluid sample into the device. More specifically, the 
present invention comprises a reusable sampling device and a disposable 
piercing/collecting apparatus. The device may also employ a back pressure, 
5 capillary or vacuum to collect a small fluid sample into the piercing/collecting 
apparatus that may later be discharged to deliver the collected sample to a test 
device or other appropriate vessel. The system may alternately be used to 
deliver the sample to an integral disposable test device, without collecting and 
separately dispensing the body fluid sample. 

10 A method aspect of this invention involves piercing of the skin at a rapid 

rate (to minimize pain), with a needle (which minimizes the trauma and 
pressure-associated pain response which occurs with a traditional lancet). The 
skin is kept taut. during the lancing to allow accurate and repeatable penetration 
of the needle into the skin. After piercing the skin, the needle is withdrawn 

15 from the wound and the surrounding area kneaded by ultrasonic action, 

piezoelectric or mechanical oscillation or squeegee motion to stimulate the blood 
flow into and from the wound. Additionally heat, electrical potential or friction 
can be used to stimulate additional flow of the body fluid. This fluid or blood 
flow can also be stimulated by ultrasonic vibration of the skin surrounding the 

20 wound. In an alternate embodiment to stimulate blood flow, the needle remains 
in the wound for a period of time, with either slow mechanical vibration or 
rotation of the needle, ultrasonic, or piezoelectric oscillation of the needle, to 
keep the wound open for blood to pool. After the area has been stimulated and 
the blood wells up in the wound, a capillary, syringe or pumping system is used 

25 to draw microliter samples from the patient. Suction is applied to the needle or 
the suction tube through either peristalsis, convection (application of heat to a 
capillary tube) or by the piston of a small microsyringe. The piston is pulled 
back into the sampler device with spring action, generating a vacuum in the 
barrel of the microsyringe and quickly drawing fluid from the body through the 

30 needle or the suction tube into the barrel to normalize the pressure differential. 
The piston or suction device then can be reversed to dispense the collected 

WO 97/42888 


sample. The system can also use a capillary tube which is used to draw the 
sample after it has been collected on the skin surface. The capillary tube can 
then dispense the sample to a desired test or analysis device by applying 
pressure through the tube or simply contacting the end of the tube and the 
5 sample with a surface or material that has sufficient affinity for the fluid to pull 
the sample from the tube. 

The above method and system may be used on various parts of the body. 
It is particularly appropriate for use on sites other than the fingertips. Although 
fingertips provide good blood flow, the high density of pain receptors provide 

10 for easy access to blood but maximum pain in sampling. The method of this 
invention actively draws a sample from the body, enabling the use of sampling 
sites on the body which are inadequate for traditional lancing. Since the method 
can also provide a mechanism for the easy transfer of the sample, the difficulty 
of bringing the sample to a test device is eliminated. An important benefit of 

15 this system is that the use of alternate sites on the body reduces the 

accompanying pain sensation and encourages more frequent use as needed. 

While the method may be readily used to obtain a blood sample in a 
minimally invasive fashion, a sample of interstitial fluid may similarly be 
obtained, generally utilizing a less deep puncture in sites with lower blood flow. 

20 This will become more important as tests are developed which can utilize ISF 
samples, which may be preferred compared to blood. 

this invention provides a device and method for lancing a patient and 
virtually simultaneously producing and collecting the fluid sample, which may 
be transferred to a test device. A preferred device of the present invention 

25 comprises a blood collection system including a lancing needle, drive 

mechanism, kneading or vibration mechanism and optional suction system and 
sample ejection mechanism. The device is preferably sized to be hand-held in 
one hand and operable with one hand. The device can optionally contain 
integral testing or analysis component for receiving the sample and providing 

30 testing or analysis indication or readout for the user. 

WO 97/42888 


The lancing needle and firing mechanism designed to create a wound 
which will both provide an adequate sample but which will still close and heal 
quickly. Wound healing is an especially important consideration for diabetic 
patients who often have compromised circulatory systems and slow healing 
5 processes. The wound must have a geometry which allows for a momentary 
space in which blood can fill, taking into account the elastic nature of the skin 
tissues. Careful consideration must be given to these geometries or the dermis 
will seal around the lancing needle tip, precluding the drawing of a sample . 
through the tip. In a preferred embodiment a needle is used in combination 
10 with a flexible collar and outer tube to spread the wound so blood can pool. 

Alternatively a multiple needle lancing device can be used to generate a wound 
which disrupts multiple capillary areas to quickly provide large sample size, but 
the smaller multiple wounds, can heal more easily. 

In an alternate embodiment, the needle/lance is withdrawn from the 

15 wound, and the area surrounding the wound is massaged or stimulated to 

prevent it from closing and to promote the flow of body fluids and or blood to 
the wound and to the surface of the skin. 

Devices according to this invention create a lancing motion which cuts 
into the small but plentiful capillaries in the superficial vascular plexus under 

20 the epidermis. This vascularized region starts at a depth of 0.3 - 0.6 mm from 
the surface of the skin in many accessible areas throughout the body (forearm, 
thigh, abdomen, palm). Blood is in plentiful supply in this region of the skin, 
and healing of small wounds is not problematic. However, bringing a sizable 
drop of blood to the surface is more problematic than with a finger stick. A 

25 finger stick is typically massaged to increase momentary blood flow. This 
invention provides a system for mechanically massaging a lance site at other 
body locations by several different approaches, including oscillating an annular 
ring surrounding the wound to pump the blood surrounding the wound into the 
wound for extraction by a needle or capillary tube or oscillating paddles or other 

30 members adjacent the wound to achieve the desired blood flow. Further, 

bringing a drop of blood from the skin in other regions of the body, e.g., the 


WO 97/42888 


thigh, to a small area on a test device is very difficult. An alternate 
embodiment of the present invention works with the needle remaining in the 
wound and the needle being mechanically manipulated to promote the formation 
of a sample of body fluid in the wound. 
5 The needle may be vibrated in any desired and effective motion, 

including an up and down motion, a side to side motion, a circular motion, a 
rotation motion or any combination thereof. This creates a momentary opening 
in which the blood can fill while the device draws the blood through the needle 
into the disposable sample collection chamber. The vibration of the needle may 

10 occur across a broad range, from 30 cycles per minute up to 1000 cycles per 

/ minute or more. This slight vibration does not measurably increase the 

sensation felt by the patient, particularly when a short duration time is used, but 
does markedly increase the sample volume which may be easily withdrawn from 
a given wound and the rate at which the sample volume is produced fromjhe 

15 wound. The oscillation can cause the needle to move up to 2 - 3 mm per cycle. 
The optimal needle oscillation is less than 1.5 mm, with about 0.5 mm preferred 
based on current investigations. Oscillating or rotating the needle from 30 
cycles per minute up to 1000 cycles per minute or more holds the wound open 
and prevents it from closing and stopping sample collection and provides sample 

20 collection in a shorter amount of time. 

Lancing conventionally occurs at a 90 degree angle (perpendicular) to the 
skin surface. However, we have found that the lancing member may puncture 
significantly more capillaries if the lancing is performed on a angle. At a too 
shallow angle, no significant depth of penetration is achieved. Lancing at an 

25 incident angle of 15 - 90 degrees to the surface of the skin is effective, with 
shallower angles producing greater blood flow. 

The device and system of this invention can further enhance blood flow 
by massaging the site prior to lancing, as well as by massaging the area adjacent 
the lancing cite while the lancing member is in the wound and after it is 

30 removed from the wound, as well as during sample collection, as described 

WO 97/42888 


above. Alternate methods can use a wiper to rub across or vibrate the skin or 
can apply heat to the skin to increase the blood flow to the sampling site. 

In another alternate configuration, the lancing needle may be withdrawn 
very slightly from the point of maximum penetration to create an opening in 
5 which blood can pool before being suctioned through the device. This can be 
accomplished with a double stop system which stops the needle at maximum 
penetration then stops the retraction of the needle at partial but not full 
retraction. The area surrounding the wound can be kneaded or massaged by 
optional movable members mechanical to stimulate blood flow to the wound and 
10 increase the sample size and the rate of production of the sample. The 

mechanical motion can displace the area around the wound from 0.05 to 8 mm, 
with 1 - 5 mm being preferred based on current investigations. A wiper device 
can be used in the aspect which rubs the skin to increase the blood flow to the 
wound by stimulating the capillaries. 
15 The mechanical stimulation of the wound can be accomplished by 

different methods or motions and members. An annular ring or other polygon 
or blade or paddle members may be oscillated around the wound by 
piezoelectric, ultrasonic, solenoid/coil, motor and cam or other methods apparent 
to one skilled in the art. Mechanical oscillation in the range of 2 to 1000 
20 cycles per minute may be employed, with 10 to 400 cycles being preferred. 
Ultrasonic vibration has been effective at a frequency as high as 40 kHz. 
Alternately, the device may employ* a blade or squeegee type of stimulator 
which kneads the site with horizontal or a combination of horizontal and vertical 
action and promotes blood flow to the wound. The squeegee may act on the 
25 wound area 2 to 200 times per minute, with 60 times per minute preferred based 
on current investigations. Additionally, the needle may be vibrated 
ultrasonically, with or without the kneading or massaging action adjacent the 
wound. The ultrasonic vibration can cover the range of ultrasonic frequencies 
depending on the sampling area and whether the needle or the stimulation 
30 device is being activated. 

WO 97/42888 PCT/US97/08762 

In another aspect of this invention the lancing member is contained a 
multi-chambered or multi-channelled capillary disposable member wherein one 
chamber contains the lancing member and an adjacent chamber is adapted to 
receive the blood or fluid exiting the wound. The multi-chambered capillary 
5 disposable can be made from any suitable material, and installed in the sampler 
so that it is positioned in the appropriate position relative to the wound created 
to permit collection of the sample. The lancing device is driven into the skin 
and withdrawn by the secondary retraction springs after reaching the limit stops. 
After withdrawal of the lancing member, the stimulator ring or other polygon 

10 shape is oscillated by one of the various methods to pump blood from the 
capillaries adjacenUo the wound. The sampling device of this aspect of the 
invention has stop mechanisms to limit the penetration of the lancing member 
and sample duration system which sets the time of the sample collection. The 
lancing guide chamber can be formed a variety of ways and one skilled in the 

15 art can reconfigure it to create alternate embodiments. 

In another aspect similar to the above, the lancing member can be 
contained within a single capillary tube and adapted to extend from the end of 
the tube to create the wound. The lancing member then retracts a sufficient- 
distance inside the capillary to allow the desired sample to be collection in the 

20 end of the same capillary tube in the space below the retracted lancing member. 
In such an embodiment the lancing member can be vibrated in the wound before 
retraction, also as described above. 

To achieve the sample collection after withdrawing the needle, a 
stimulator ring can be used to pump the sample from the surrounding capillaries 

25 through the wound opening. The stimulator ring is designed to keep the skin 
taut to allow better penetration of the skin during lancing and help keep the 
wound open during pumping. It can be oscillated appropriately to insure that 
enough sample is pumped from the local capillaries. The time or number of 
cycles varies by individual and location being sampled. To achieve a variable 

30 sample time either of the following methods may be used. A sensor can be 
built into the sampler which senses the blood in the collection chamber or 

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WO 97/42888 


device. When an adequate sample level (which may be adjustable) is reached, 
the stimulation mechanism is turned off. A second method is to have a patient 
definable input which sets the time duration for the test or the number of cycles 
for the stimulation ring. Additional stimulator motions can be employed to 
5 promote the extraction of bodily fluids. These include sinusoidal motion, 

wobbling, kneading or peristaltic motion. An alternate stimulator device can be 
designed with an inner and outer ring which will alternate creating a peristaltic 
pumping motion on the capillaries surrounding the wound. Another alternate 
stimulator device uses a spiral spring that can be compressed flat to emulate 
- 10 multiple pumping rings. As will be apparent, various configurations of multiple 
stimulator rings, paddles, or other members, used in various rhythms and orders 
of movement can be employed in the present invention. The stimulator ring or 
member can be heated in order to heat the skin to increase the capillary volume 
flow to and out of the wound. In addition, the housing or case of the device or 

15 other components of the device can be heated to provide heating of the skin. 

In another aspect of the invention a diffused laser may be used to 
penetrated to the superficial vascular plexus and a capillary tube may be used to 
collect the sample. A lens may be used to diffuse the laser so that it does not 
create a large wound or damage large areas of skin and tissue. A minimum 

20 wound size is important to enable rapid healing. The capillary collection tube 
can use a suction generator to draw the sample up the tube and can also utilize 
an optional stimulator ring to pump the blood from the adjacent capillary beds. 

In another aspect of the invention the lancing can be accomplished by a 
pulse of a fluid under high pressure such as a liquid or a compressed gas. In 

25 addition the compressed gas can be directed, at lower pressure, to the skin 

surface to massage the skin before lancing, during lancing and/or during sample 
collection. Pulsing the compressed gas against the skin at desired pressures, 
patterns and intervals, including sequential pattern across the surface of the skin, 
can provide the desired stimulation of the blood flow into and from the wound. 

30 The pulse of compressed gas used to perform the lancing and opening of the 
wound can be a single pulse or multiple pulses, can be directed through a 

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WO 97/42888 


capillary sample collection tube, and/or can be applied vertically to the skin 
surface or at an angle, as described above for other lancing members, to achieve 
puncturing the maximum capillaries in the skin and provide the sample 
collection in a short period of time. 
5 In another aspect of the invention an off meter test device is used with a 

sampler of this invention to provide an integrated sampling and testing device. 
This device can be used by the patient to essentially simultaneously draw a 
sample and test for the presence or concentration of an analyte in a body fluid. 
The sample can be taken from an alternate location other than the fingertips 

10 with the device of this invention. To accomplish this it is critical to the test to 
provide a mechanism to stimulate the wound and or the surrounding area to 
provide an adequate sample for the test device. This stimulation can be 
accomplished by manipulating the needle or the area of skin surrounding the 
wound as described above. A combination of the two methods can be employed 

15 to increase the volume and/or decrease the sampling time. The sample is 

introduced directly into a test device or testing area rather than being collected 
and subsequently dispensed. 

In another aspect, this invention also provides a method of determining 
the correct sample size prior to transferring or testing. Different methods can be 

20 used to sense the volume and/or presence of the sample. One system uses two 
contacts to sense the presence and/or volume of a sample. The body fluid either 
is drawn up a tube or wells up on the surface of the skin where it creates a short 
between two contacts which signal that the proper sample has been drawn. An 
alternate system uses an LED and receiver. When the sample rises to the level 

25 where it blocks the LED from the receiver the proper sample has been drawn. 
Other optically activated or contact activated systems can be used in this aspect 
of the invention. 

In another aspect, this invention also provides a method of making a unit 
with a disposable section to limit biohazard cross contamination. 
30 In another aspect, this invention provides a bell shape capillary tube. 

The capillary tube wicks the sample up the tube until it reaches the transition of 

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WO 97/42888 


the bulb. The bulb is then depressed to expel the sample or a known volume of 
the sample to a desired location, such as a test strip or device for analysis. The 
bell shape can be designed as a cone and the sample is wicked up the cone and 
dispensed by reversing the cone and expelling the sample by capillary action 
5 . onto the test device. 

In an alternate embodiment the device of this invention lances and 
stimulates the area, creating a drop of sample fluid, which is collected on or 
transferred directly to a test device by applying the test device to the drop. 

In another aspect, this invention can also include an auto-injection 
10 device. A preloaded tip may be placed into the barrel. The trigger and spring 
system can be designed to deliver the sample from the syringe rather than to 
collect a sample into the syringe. One who is skilled in the art could readily 
reconfigure the mechanism described to inject a sample. Moreover, the device 
may have dual function of collecting a sample while simultaneously or 
15 sequentially injecting a sample, which can be in response to a test performed in 
the device on the sample collected 
Brief Description of Drawings 

Figure 1 shows a device of this invention having a double stop 

20 Figure 2A and Figure 2B are cross section views of a device of this 

invention in the cocked and the deployed position, respectively. 

Figure 3 shows a longitudinal cross section of a device according to this 
invention having a stimulator member proximate to the lancet or needle. 

Figure 4 shows the stimulator member positioned on the skin of the 
25 patient adjacent the wound and the lance. 

Figure 4A provides a schematic layout of the skin illustrating where the 
superficial vascular plexus capillaries are relative to the skin's surface. 

Figure 4B is a representation of a wound, shown in cross section, which 
will facilitate the formation of a small pool of blood yet ensure that the skin 
30 will fully contract around the wound following sampling to promote healing. 
The relationship of the wound, needle and the superficial vascular plexus 

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WO 97/42888 


capillaries is also illustrated. In the embodiment shown the capillary is offset in 
the needle. 

Figures 4C and 4D show alternative embodiments in which, to enhance 
sample collection and minimize the wound size required, the needle may be 
5 vibrated mechanically in either an up and down motion as shown in Figure 4C 
or a side to side as shown in Figure 4D. 

Figure 4E shows that the needle may be vibrated ultrasonically with or 
without the kneading or massaging action. 

Figures 4F and 4G show that the area surrounding the wound can be 
10 kneaded by optional mechanical motion to stimulate blood flow to the wound 

and increase the sample size and the rate of production of the sample. / 

Figure 4H shows that, alternately, the device may employ a squeegee 
type of stimulator which kneads the site with horizontal or a combination of 
horizontal and vertical action and promotes blood flow to the wound. 
15 Figure 41 shows an alternate embodiment in which needle is oscillated or 


Figures 5A and 5B show front and side views of a replaceable needle 
with a spade tip design adapted for use in this invention, especially for a 
moving/rotating needle for holding a wound open during sample collection. 
20 Figures 6 A and 6B illustrate a front and side view of a disposable needle 

that has an eccentric passageway for sample collection. The needle can have a 
luer lock type connection to the sample device of this invention. 

Figure 7 shows a needle with a collar or sleeve to provide mechanical 
spreading of the wound during sample collection. 
25 Figures 8A and 8B are longitudinal cross section views of a device with 

a multi-chambered capillary members accommodating a lancet or needle in one 
chamber and providing another chamber or conduit for sample collection. 

Figures 8C, 8D and 8E are top view cross section views of two and three 
chamber capillary members. 

- 14- 

WO 97/42888 


Figure 9A and 9B illustrate a longitudinal cross section of a device 
having a multi-chambered capillary disposable and peristaltic pump to collect a 

Figure 9C illustrates in cross section an alternate suction/standoff/lance 
5 disposable tip containing contacts for electrically sensing the presence and/or 
volume of body fluid. 

Figure 10 illustrates in cross section a device with a laser positioned to 
radiate through the interior of the needle or capillary for piercing the skin. 
Figure 1 1 illustrates in longitudinal cross section in cross section a 
10 device of this invention for use with a combined suction/standoff chamber as 
part of a disposable sample collection system. 

Figures 12A and 12B illustrate a longitudinal cross section and side view 
cross section of a device of this invention having and angled lancet or needle 
and employing an absorbent strip. 
15 Figures 13 and 14 show a longitudinal cross section and a side view 

cross section of a sampling device of the present invention with an integrated 
colorimetric instrument test. 

Figure 15 shows a longitudinal cross section of an sampling device of 
the present invention with an integrated electrochemical test. 
20 Figures 16 and 17 show a longitudinal cross section and a side view 

cross section of a sampling device of the present invention with an integrated 
colorimetric visual test. 

Figure 18 shows an alternate device which has a completely disposable 
lower section to minimize blood contamination between uses. 
25 Figure 19A shows the combination of a dual alternating stimulation ring 


Figure 19B shows the device with a telescoping stimulator ring. 

Figures 20A, 20B and 20C illustrate a bell shape capillary tube and 
Figure 20D shows a straight capillary tube with a test strip. 
50 Figure 21 illustrates a device of this invention with a member to oscillate 

the needle to stimulate fluid flow from the wound. 

WO 97/42888 


Figure 22A shows a multiple needle lancing device. 
Figure 22B shows a broader single lancet. 

Figures 22C and 22D show a die cut sheet which has small multiple 
barbs formed in the sheet for use as a lance in the present invention. 
5 Description of the Invention 

Figure 1 illustrates a minimally invasive sampling device according to 
the invention. The device is comprised of numerous components which will be 
more fully described below. The main body 1 supports the various mechanical 
components housed within the device. 
10 The main body 1 comprises an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 

openings at both ends. The sampling needle 16 which is part of the disposable 
3 which is capable of being retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond 
the needle guard 17 is positioned at one end. The arming and dispensing 
plunger 22 protrudes from the other end. The device has a needle guard 17 
15 which permits the loading of the disposable 3. Disposable 3 is attached to the 
syringe 13 and plunger 14 is released by the suction cam 8. 

The syringe 13 is captivated to the drive system by syringe clamp 12 
which has .the main tie rods 4 anchored to it. The main drive springs 1 1 are 
captivated between the syringe clamp 12 and cross support 10 and the tie rods 4 
20 are threaded through them. 

The main tie rods 4 have the main cams 9 attached to them and are 
supported by the activation trigger 2 prior to release. The secondary springs 21 
and secondary stops 20 provide a mechanism after activation to pull the needle 
back out of the wound to permit blood accumulation. When the skin is pierced 
25 the secondary springs 20 retract the needle from the wound triggering the 

suction cam 8 and plunger 14 is released. The arming and dispensing plunger 
22 is a dual purpose device. When the patient pulls up, it preloads the drive 
springs 11. It is latched by pushing in on the activation trigger 2. 

The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 
30 needle 16 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 

sample site. The sample 15 is drawn from the patient when the device has been 

- 16- 

WO 97/42888 PCT/US97/08762 

deployed by releasing the activation trigger 2 and the needle 16 has been 
retracted from the patient. 

The system shown in Figure 2A and 2B is comprised of a reusable barrel 
1 and associated mechanisms and a sterile disposable 13. The disposable 13 has 
5 an ultra fine gauge needle 16 which is imbedded in a cap until the device is 
readied for use. Figure 2B shows the device in the deployed state with a 
sample in disposable 13 and figure 2A shows it undeployed. 

Main yoke 3 is held by activation triggers 2 which support the main tie 
rods 4 when the system is undeployed. The system is activated by releasing the 

10 activation triggers 2. This releases the main cam 9 which causes the syringe to 
be deployed by the drive spring 11 which is captured between the cross support 
10 and the syringe clamps 12. The needle 16 pierces the skin as a result of 
these actions and the penetration depth is controlled by stop 27. When the 
suction cams 8 is released by the secondary trigger 5, the suction spring 6 is 

15 released. This drives the suction yoke 7 up slowly due to the damping action of 
the syringe plunger 14 so a back pressure or vacuum is created in the syringe 
body. Sample 15 is actively drawn into the syringe. 

The sample can be delivered easily and precisely to a test device or other 
container by pressing down on a button on the top of the sampler. The 

20 disposable syringe 13 and needle 16 may be imbedded in the cap in which it 
was shipped or placed into a Sharps container for safe disposal. 

To insure that adequate sample size is collected the needle 16 can be 
vibrated, oscillated or rotated to keep the wound from closing. The disclosure 
of Figures 3, 4, 4C, 4D f 4E f 41, 9, 12 and 13 show and describe various 

25 alternative motions that can be used to accomplish this. 

Another version of this device is also capable of performing as an auto- 
injection device. A preloaded tip may be placed into the ban-el. The trigger 
and spring system can be designed to deliver the sample from the syringe rather 
than to collect a sample. One who is skilled in the art could readily reconfigure 

30 the mechanism described to inject a sample. 

- 17- 

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Figure 3 illustrates a minimally invasive sampling device according to 
the invention. The device is comprised of numerous components which will be 
more fully described below. The main body 1 supports the various mechanical 
components housed within the device. 
5 The main body 1 comprises an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 

openings at both ends. The sampling needle 16 which is part of the disposable 
3 which is capable of being retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond 
the needle guard 17 is positioned at one end. The arming and dispensing 
plunger 22 protrudes from the other end. The device has a needle guard 17 

10 which can be slid up and down main body 1 by the patient to permit the loading 
of the disposable 3. Disposable 3 is attached to the syringe 13 by the tip 
adapter 18. The internal parts of the syringe 13 are the plunger 14 which is 
activated by the suction spring 6 and the suction yoke 7. The plunger is 
released when the suction cam 8 is released by the secondary trigger 5. 

15 The syringe 13 is captivated to the drive system by syringe clamp 12 

which has the main tie rods 4 anchored to it. The main drive springs 11 are 
captivated between the syringe clamp 12 and cross support 10 and the tie rods 4 
are threaded through them. 

The main tie rods 4 have the main cams 9 attached to them and are 

20 supported by the activation trigger 2A prior to release. The secondary springs 
21 and secondary stops 20 provide a mechanism after activation to pull the 
needle back out of the wound to permit blood accumulation. When the skin is 
pierced the secondary springs retract the needle from the wound and initiate the 
stimulation ring 25 oscillation system 26 and 27 to force blood flow to the 

25 wound. The arming and dispensing plunger 22 is a dual purpose device. When 
the patient pulls up, it preloads the drive springs 11. It is latched by pushing in 
on the activation trigger 2A. 

The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 
needle 16 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 

30 sample site. The stimulator ring can be deployed during lancing to keep the 
skin taut, thus allowing more accurate and repeatabie penetration of the skin. 

- 18- 

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The sample 15 is drawn from the patient when the device has been deployed by 
releasing the activation trigger 2 and the needle 16 has been retracted from the 

Figure 4 illustrates the relationship of the needle 16, wound 200 and 
5 stimulation ring 25. The detail areas of the skin are shown for clarity. The 
stimulator ring 25 is used to pump the sample of body fluid 61 into wound area 
200, A singular stimulation ring 25 is shown in this illustration. However, 
multiple telescoping rings may be employed to enhance the blood transport. 
The stimulation ring can also be formed to with a series of notches to 
10 permit the resupply of body fluid to the capillaries when the stimulation ring 25 
z is retracted from the wound site 200. 

In an alternate embodiments the stimulation ring is heated or a secondary 
motion added to act as a wiper to enhance the flow of body fluid to the wound 
200. Other members can be used instead of a ring to provide the stimulation 
15 desired. 

Figures 4C, 4D and 4E illustrate that the needle may be vibrated in the 
desired motion. This creates a momentary opening in which the blood can Fill 
while the device draws the blood through the needle into the disposable sample 
collection chamber. The vibration of the needle may occur across. a broad 

20 range, from 30 cycles per minute up to 1000 cycles per minute or more. This 
slight vibration does not measurably increase the sensation felt by the patient 
but does markedly increase the sample volume which may be easily withdrawn 
from a given wound and the rate at which the sample volume is produced from 
the wound. The oscillation can cause the needle to move up to 2 - 3 mm per 

25 cycle. The optimal needle oscillation is less than 1.5 mm, with about 0.5 mm 
preferred based on current investigations. Lancing generally occurs at a 90 
degree angle (perpendicular) to the skin surface. However, the lancing member 
may puncture significantly more capillaries if the lancing is performed on a 
angle. At a very shallow angle, no significant depth of penetration is achieved. 

30 ' Lancing at an incident angle of 15 -90 degrees to the surface of the skin is 

effective, with shallower angles producing greater blood flow. The ultrasonic 

- 19- 

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vibration can cover the range of ultrasonic frequency depending on the sampling 
area and whether the needle or the stimulation device is being activated. 

Figures 4F and 4G show massaging or kneading the area surrounding the 
wound. The mechanical motion can displace the area around the wound from 
5 0.05 to 8 mm, with 1 - 5 mm being preferred based on current investigations. 
Figure 4G shows a wiper device which rubs the skin to increase the blood flow 
to the wound by stimulating the capillaries. This action can also be done by 
the patient by rubbing the area to increase the blood flow to the sampling site 
prior to taking a sample. The oscillation can be accomplished via piezoelectric, 
10 ultrasonic, or by using a solenoid/coil or a motor and cam. Mechanical 

oscillation in the range of 2 to 1000 cycles per minute may be employed, with 
20 to 200 cycles being preferred. Ultrasonic vibration has been effective at a 
frequency as high as 40 kHz. Figure 4F shows an alternate embodiment in 
which the wound is mechanically stimulated such as by an annular ring which 
15 may be oscillated. 

Figure 4H shows massaging with a squeegee type of stimulator. Such a 
squeegee may act on the wound area 2 to 200 times per minute, with 60 times 
per minute being preferred. 

Figure 41 shows rotating or oscillating the needle from 30 cycles per 
20 minute up to 1000 cycles per minute or more. This holds the wound open and 
prevents it from closing and stopping sample collection. This embodiment can 
employ the needles disclosed herein in Figures 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B, 
conventional needles or round or flat lancets. 

Figures 5A and 5B show a spade tip needle/lance profile which is used 
25 by the invention to create a void area in the wound. Figures 5 A and 5B show 
one needle profile which is useful in implementing this embodiment. The spade 
end helps create a void area when it is rotated in the small wound. 

Figures 6A and 6B show an asymmetric needle design to create a wound 
which can enhance capillary blood collection. Needle 16 is molded to form 
30 disposable 3. Another aspect of the invention is the provision of an easily 

replaceable lancing tip (Figure 6A and 6B). The tip must attach to the device 


WO 97/42888 


simply to facilitate the availability of a fresh, sterile needle for each sample 
drawn. A wide range of lancet or needle gauges may be used for the tip. 
Current investigations show that 10 through 32 gauge is acceptable depending 
on the sampling location. The entire device may also be designed as a single 
5 use device. In this configuration, the device would be precocked and would 
only trigger and dispense once. A new device with a sterile tip would be thus 
used for each sample drawn. It will be apparent that an alternate disposable can 
be constructed from a needle and flexible tube. The tube acts as a reservoir for 
the sample as it is drawn by the applied vacuum. Another capillary type 

10 disposable is shown in figure 31. The bell type disposable uses capillary action 
to wick the sample up the tube until it reaches the bulb or vacuum created by 
depressing the bulb. The sample is dispensed by collapsing the bulb. Anyone 
skilled in the art would be able to readily reconfigure the design presented 
herein to be a single use device. 

15 Figure 7 illustrates the use of a needle 16 with a flexible collar 225 

and stimulator ring 25 to hold the wound open during the extraction of the body 
fluid sample. The collar 225 is affixed to the needle and acts as a stop and as a 
means of spreading the wound. This provides a means of forcing the wound 
open during sampling. The collar 225 can be fashioned in various 

20 configurations to achieve the same results by one skilled in the art. 

Figure 8A shows the lancing member is part of a multi-chambered 
capillary disposable. Figure 8B provides an exploded view of the end of the 
device showing the relation ship of lancet 30, disposable 33 and lancet guide 
tube 35. The multi-chambered capillary disposable can be made from any 

25 suitable material. Figures 8C, 8D and 8E show various alternatives of this 
embodiment One skilled in the art could readily reconfigure a disposable 
which would be equal to this invention. 

The lancet 30 creates the wound and is guided by guide tube 35. The 
sample is drawn up the sample collection tube/disposable 33. The complete 

30 device can either be fashioned as one single disposable or multiple components. 

-21 - 

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Figures 9A illustrates a minimally invasive sampling device according to 
the invention using the alternate capillary disposable blood collection device 
Figure 8A which is disposable 33. The device is comprised of numerous 
components which will be more fully described below. The main body 1 
5 supports the various mechanical components housed within the device. Figure 
9B shows the cutout to allow communication of blood to the sample collection 

The main body 1 comprises of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 
openings at both ends. The capillary sampling disposable with lancing member 

10 30, which is part of disposable 33 and is capable of being retracted or deployed 
so that it can protrude beyond the end of the main body 1, is positioned at one 
end. The arming plunger assembly 36 protrudes from the other end. The 
lancing member 30 is guarded by being withdrawn into the needle guide tube 35 
which is part of the disposable 33, The needle guide tube 35 acts as the lancing 

15 guide and lancet guard. The disposable 33 is attached to the main body 1 so 

that it is positioned at the appropriate location to guide the lancet and suction up 
the blood. The striker 39 is projected so as to drive the lancet into the patient 
41 by the spring 43 and the arming plunger assembly 36. The arming plunger 
is locked in place by a cam 45 and trigger 47. A double stop return spring 49 

20 is located and sized to return the lancet 30 back into the disposable 33 needle 
guide tube 35. The needle guard 17 supports the main body 1 on patient 41. 

The double stop return springs 49 provide a mechanism after activation 
to pull the needle back out of the wound to permit blood 61 accumulation. 
When the skin is pierced the secondary springs 49 retract the needle from the 

25 wound and initiate the stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood 

flow to the wound. The stimulator ring can oscillate in the preferred range of 1 
to 5 mm. The frequency can vary from 5 to 1000 cycles per minute in the 
preferred embodiment The oscillation of the stimulator ring 25 is driven by the 
coils 51 which oscillate the stimulator ring 25 to pump the blood 61 from the 

30 surrounding capillaries in the skin into the wound. Each down stroke of the 
stimulator ring 25 provides this pumping action. This pumping action can be 


WO 97/42888 


modified to include sinusoidal motion, wobbling, kneading or peristaltic motion 
which will enhance the blood flood to the wound. 

A linkage 53 drives a peristaltic roller system 55 and rollers 57 against 
the suction tube 59 causing blood 61 to be drawn up the suction tube 59 
5 creating the sample 15. 

The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 
lancet 30 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 
sample site. 

In another aspect of this invention, electric potential can be applied 

10 across the skin to also stimulate blood flow to the wound. This can be 

accomplished by having separate electrodes present in the device to contact the 
skin and deliver the electric current at locations desired. Or, the current can be 
delivered to the skin through components of the device, appropriately insulated 
internally of course, such as the stimulator ring 25 and sample tube 59, or any 

15 other appropriate combination. In general, low voltage DC or AC current can 
aid in blood flow. The voltage, amperage and cycles (in the case of AC) can be 
determined by one skilled in the art, but DC voltage in the range of 1 millivolt 
to 12 volts will be useful. Likewise, the duration of the applied current or the 
pulsing thereof can be selected as desired. In a particular example tube 33 in 

20 Figure 9A or needle 16 in Figure 3 can be the negative electrode and ring 25 in 
Figure 9A and Figure 3 or guard 17 can be the positive electrode. 

Figure 9C illustrates a alternate suction/stand off chamber blood 
collection device 72 which comprises of lance 30, suction tube 59, secondary 
tube which guides the lance 30, suction/standoff chamber 105, and contacts 107 

25 and 109. The suction tube 59 is mounted in suction/standoff chamber 105 so as 
to permit the suction tube to be located off the wound to promote bleeding 
while the wound is stimulated. The contacts provide a means of determining if 
the sample size is adequate. Contacts 109 are made when adequate volume of 
blood is present in the cap 105 and these are in communication with contacts 

30 107 which are in communication with the electronic package of the sampler. 

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Once contacts 109 are made by the blood then the circuit is completed signaling 
the system to stop. 

Figure 10 illustrates a minimally invasive sampling device according to 
the invention using the alternate capillary disposable blood collection device and 
5 laser 67 lancing mechanism. The device is comprised of numerous components 
which will be more fully described below. The main body 1 supports the 
various mechanical components housed within the device. 

The main body 1 is comprised of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube 
with openings at both ends. The capillary sampling disposable with diffusing 

10 lens member 60 which is part of disposable 63 is installed in one end of the 

main body 1. The firing switch 65 protrudes from the other end. The capillary 
tube 59 acts as the laser guide and sample collection device. The disposable 33 
is attached to the main body 1 so that it is positioned at the appropriate location 
to direct the laser and to suction up the blood. The laser 67 is diffused by 

15 going through the lens and creates the wound in the patient. 

When the skin is pierced, the laser shuts down. This initiates the 
stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood flow to the wound. The 
oscillation of the stimulator ring 25 is driven by the coils 51 which oscillate the 
stimulator ring 25 so as to pump the blood 61 from the surrounding capillaries 

20 in the skin into the wound. Each down stroke of the stimulator ring 25 provides 
this pumping action. A linkage 53 drives a peristaltic roller system 55 and 
rollers 57 against the suction tube 59 causing blood 61 to be drawn up the 
suction tube 59 creating the sample 15. The oscillation of the stimulator ring 
can have a range of 0 to 8 mm and preferably 1 to 5 mm. The frequency can 

25 also vary from 2 to 100 cycles per minute. 

In an alternative embodiment for the device of Figure 10, the lancing 
means can be a liquid under high pressure or a compressed gas pulse instead of 
the laser. A pulse of compressed gas, or multiple pulses, can be directed at the 
skin. In addition, the liquid under pressure or compressed gas pulses can be 

30 applied in the annular space between ring 25 and housing 1 to massage and 
stimulate the skin to increase blood flow to the wound. 

-24 - 

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It is to be understood that the vacuum employed in the various 
embodiments of this invention can be used with the capillary tubes, such as 59 
in Figure 10, as well as the needles of Figures 4B, 5A and B, and 6A and B. 

Figure 11 illustrates a minimally invasive sampling device according to 
5 the invention using the alternate suction/stand off chamber blood collection 
device 72 which is more fully described in illustration 9C The device is 
comprised of numerous components which will be more fully described below. 
The main body is 1 which supports the various mechanical components housed 
within the device. 

10 The main body 1 comprises of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 

openings at both ends. The suction/stand off chamber sampling disposable with 
lancing member 30 which is part of disposable 72 and is capable of being 
retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond the end of the main body 1 
positioned at one end. The arming tabs/trigger 37 protrude from the sides of 

15 main body 1. The disposable 72 is attached to the main body 1 so that it is 
positioned. at the appropriate location to guide the lancet and suction up the 
blood. The striker 39 is projected so as to drive the lancet into the patient 41 
by the spring 43 and the arming plunger assembly 37. The arming plunger is 
locked in place by a cam 45 and trigger 37. A double stop return spring 49 is 

20 located and sized to return the lancet 30. 

In another aspect, the capillary sample collection tubes used in the 
various embodiments of this invention, such as 33 in Figures 8A and 9 A, 59 in 
Figure 9C and 10 and 150 in Figures 20A-20C, can be selected to have an 
affinity for the sample fluid greater than the skin so the fluid or blood will wick 

25 into the tube by capillary action. However, the capillary tube is also selected to 
have less affinity for the sample fluid or blood than a test strip or test device 
surface of receiving port so that the sample fluid or blood will wick out of the 
capillary tube into or onto the test strip or device. Such materials for the 
capillary tube can easily be determined and selected by one skilled in the art, 

30 but generally capillary, tubes of nylon, PTFE, and the like generally fulfill this 
function. It will be recognized that the selection of such material for the 

- 25 - 

WO 97/42888 


capillary tube must be made relative to the materials present in and the physical 
construction the test strip or device, if this aspect of the present invention is to 
be utilized. 

The double stop return springs 49 provide a mechanism after activation 
5 to pull the needle back out of the wound to permit blood 61 accumulation. 
When the skin is pierced, the secondary springs 49 retract the needle from the 
wound and initiate the stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood flow 
from the wound. The stimulator ring can oscillate in the preferred range of 1 to 
5 mm. The frequency can vary from 5 to 1000 cycles per minute in the 

10 preferred embodiment. The oscillation of the stimulator ring 25 is driven by the 
motor 51 which oscillate the stimulator ring 25 to pump the blood 61 in the 
surrounding skin capillaries from the wound so the blood can flow to the surface 
of the skin, bead up, and contact the disposable 72. Each down stroke of the 
stimulator ring 25 provides this pumping action. The disposable 72 is then 

15 lowered onto the blood bead using a secondary motion spring 74 that is released 
by a secondary motion trigger 75, and suction of the blood initiated. The 
suction device 85 shown here is a mini syringe which is activated by spring 86 
when secondary motion trigger 75 is released causing blood 61 to be drawn up 
the disposable 72. The stop and adjustment cap 19 controls the depth of 

20 penetration of the lancet 30 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached 
for a particular sample site. 

Figures 12A and 12B illustrate a minimally invasive sampling device 
according to the invention using a disposable piercing apparatus, a reusable 
sampling device and a disposable absorbent test strip 83. Figure 12A shows the 

25 device in a side view and Figure 12B is a front view. The device is comprised 
of numerous components which will be more fully described below. The main 
body is 1 which supports the various mechanical components housed within the 

The main body 1 comprises of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 
30 openings at both ends. The lancing member 30 which is part of disposable 33 
is capable of being retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond the end 


WO 97/42S88 PCT/US97/08762 

of the main body 1 is positioned at one end. The arming tabs 37 protrude from 
the sides of main body 1. The lancing member 30 is guarded by being 
withdrawn into the tube 35 which is part of the disposable 33. The tube 35 acts 
as the lancing guide and lancet guard. The disposable 33 is attached to the 
5 main body 1 so that it is positioned at the appropriate location to guide the 
lancet and is held in place by the disposable clamp 3. The striker 39 is 
projected so as to drive the lancet into the patient 41 by the spring 43 and the 
arming plunger assembly 36. The arming plunger is locked in place by a cam 
45 and trigger 47. A double stop return spring 49 is located and sized to return 

10 the lancet 30 back into the tube 35. 

The double stop return springs 49 provide a mechanism after activation 
to pull the needle back out of the wound to permit blood 61 accumulation. 
When the skin is pierced the secondary springs 49 retract the needle from the 
wound and initiate the stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood 

15 flow to the wound. The cam 55 oscillates the oscillator ring 57 which transmits 
the motion to stimulation ring 25. The stimulator ring can oscillate in the 
preferred range of 1 to 5 mm. The frequency can vary from 5 to 1000 cycles 
per minute in the preferred embodiment. The oscillation of the stimulator ring 
25 is driven by the motor 51. The battery 56 provides energy to run the motor 

20 51 which oscillates the stimulator ring 25 to pump the blood 61 from the 

surrounding capillaries in the skin into the wound. Each down stroke of the 
stimulator ring 25 compresses the stimulator spring 53 which provides the return 
motion for the stimulator ring 25. . The disposable chemical strip 83 is then 
lowered onto the blood bead using a secondary motion spring 74 that is released 

25 by a secondary motion trigger 75. The blood is absorbed by the disposable 
chemical strip 83 which fits into a slot in the main body 1 and the stimulator 
ring 25. 

The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 
lancet 30 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 
30 sample site. 


WO 97/42888 


Figures 13 and 14 illustrate an integration of the minimally invasive 
sampling device with a chemical test measurement, such as glucose, and 
electronic readout according to the invention using a disposable piercing 
apparatus 33, a reusable sampling device 1, a disposable absorbent test strip 83, 
5 and a method of readout such as colorimetric test which is read electronically 
and has an electronic readout system. Figure 13 shows the device in a side view 
and Figure 14 is a front view. The device is comprised of numerous 
components which will be more fully described below. The main body is 1 
which supports the various mechanical and electrical components housed within 
10 the device. 

The main body 1 comprises of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 
openings at both ends. The lancing member 30 which is part of disposable 33 
is capable of being retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond the end 
of the main body 1 is positioned at one end. The arming tabs 37 protrude from 

15 the sides of main body 1, The lancing member 30 is guarded by being 

withdrawn into the tube 35 which is part of the disposable 33. The tube 35 acts 
as the lancing guide and lancet guard. The disposable 33 is attached to the 
main body 1 so that it is positioned at the appropriate location to guide the 
lancet and is held in place by the disposable clamp 3. The striker 39 is 

20 projected so as to drive the lancet into the patient 41 by the spring 43 and the 
arming plunger assembly 36. The arming plunger is locked in place by a cam 
45 and trigger 47. A double stop return spring 49 is located and sized to return 
the lancet 30 back into the tube 35. 

The double stop return springs 49 provide a mechanism after activation 

25 to pull the needle back out of the wound to permit blood 61 accumulation. 

When the skin is pierced the secondary springs 49 retract the needle from the 
wound and initiate the stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood 
flow to the wound. The cam 55 oscillates the oscillator ring 57 which transmits 
the motion to stimulation ring 25. The stimulator ring can oscillate in the 

30 preferred range of 1 to 5 mm. The frequency can vary from 5 to 1000 cycles 
per minute in the preferred embodiment. The oscillation of the stimulator ring 

-28 - 

WO 97/42888 


25 is driven by the motor 51. The battery 56 provides energy to run the motor 
51 which oscillates the stimulator ring 25 to pump the blood 61 from the 
surrounding capillaries in the skin into the wound. Each down stroke of the 
stimulator ring 25 compresses the stimulator spring 53 which provides the return 
5 motion for the stimulator ring 25. . The disposable chemical strip 83 is then 
lowered onto the blood bead using a secondary motion spring 74 that is released 
by a secondary motion trigger 75, and suction of the blood initiated. The blood 
is absorbed by the disposable chemical strip 83 which has been manufactured 
into the disposable 33. The strip is then read in place by a LED 88 
10 colorimetric system and analyzed by electronics which are part of the device and 
displayed on display 84. 

The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 
lancet 30 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 
sample site. 

15 Figure 15 illustrates an integration of the minimally invasive sampling 

device with a chemical test measurement, such as glucose, and electronic 
readout according to the invention using a disposable piercing apparatus 33, a 
reusable sampling device l t a disposable absorbent test strip 83, and a method 
of readout such as a electrochemical test which is read electronically and has an 

20 electronic readout system. The device is comprised of numerous components 
which will be more fully described below. The main body is 1 which supports 
the various mechanical and electrical components housed within the device. 

The main body 1 comprises of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 
openings at both ends. The lancing member 30 which is part of disposable 33 

25 is capable of being retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond the end 
of the main body 1 is positioned at one end. The arming tabs 37 protrude from 
the sides of main body 1. The lancing member 30 is guarded by being 
withdrawn into the tube 35 which is part of the disposable 33. The tube 35 acts 
as the lancing guide and lancet guard. The disposable 33 is attached to the 

30 main body 1 so that it is positioned at the appropriate location to guide the 
lancet and is held in place by the disposable clamp 3. The striker 39 is 


WO 97/42888 


projected so as to drive the lancet into the patient 41 by the spring 43 and the 
arming plunger assembly 36. The arming plunger is locked in place by a cam 
45 and trigger 47, A double stop return spring 49 is located and sized to return 
the lancet 30 back into the tube 35. 
5 The double stop return springs 49 provide a mechanism after activation 

to pull the needle back out of the wound to permit blood 61 accumulation. 
When the skin is pierced the secondary springs 49 retract the needle from the 
wound and initiate the stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood 
flow to the wound. The cam 55 oscillates the oscillator ring 57 which transmits 

10 the motion to stimulation ring 25. The stimulator ring can oscillate in the 

preferred range of 1 to 5 mm. The frequency can vary from 5 to 1000 cycles 
per minute in the preferred embodiment. The oscillation of the stimulator ring 
25 is driven by the motor 51. The battery 56 provides energy to run the motor 
51 which oscillates the stimulator ring 25 to pump the blood 61 from the 

15 surrounding capillaries in the skin into the wound. Each down stroke of the 

stimulator ring 25 compresses the stimulator spring 53 which provides the return 
motion for the stimulator ring 25. The disposable test strip 83 is then lowered 
onto the blood bead using a secondary motion spring 74 that is released by a 
secondary motion trigger 75, and suction of the blood initiated. The blood is 

20 absorbed by the disposable chemical strip 83 which has been manufactured into 
the disposable 33. The strip is then read in place by a milliamp/or millivolt 
sensing electronics depending on the specific chemistry of the test strip. This 
reading is converted into a chemical concentration by the onboard electronics 
and displayed on the LCD on the side of the device. 

25 The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 

lancet 30 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 
sample site. 

Figures 16 and 17 illustrate an integration of the minimally invasive 
sampling device with a chemical test measurement, such as for glucose, using 
30 a disposable piercing apparatus 33, a reusable sampling device 1, a disposable 
absorbent test strip 83 capable of providing semiquantitative colorimetric results. 


WO 97/42888 PCT/US97/08762 

The device is comprised of numerous components which will be more fully 
described below. The main body is 1 which supports the various mechanical 
and electrical components housed within the device. 

The main body 1 comprises of an elongated hollow cylindrical tube with 
5 openings at both ends. The lancing member 30 which is part of disposable 33 
is capable of being retracted or deployed so that it can protrude beyond the end 
of the main body 1 is positioned at one end. The arming tabs 37 protrude from 
the sides of main body 1. The lancing member 30 is guarded by being 
withdrawn into the tube 35 which is part of the disposable 33. The tube 35 acts 

10 as the lancing guide and lancet guard The disposable 33 is attached to the 
main body 1 so that it is positioned at the appropriate location to guide the 
lancet and is held in place by the disposable clamp 3, The striker 39 is 
projected so as to drive the lancet into the patient 41 by the spring 43 and the 
arming plunger assembly 36. The arming plunger is locked in place by a cam 

15 45 and trigger 47. A double stop return spring 49 is located and sized to return 
the lancet 30 back into the tube 35. 

The double stop return springs 49 provide a mechanism after activation 
to pull the needle back out of the wound to permit blood 61 accumulation. 
When the skin is pierced the secondary springs 49 retract the needle from the 

20 wound and initiate the stimulation ring 25 oscillation system to force blood 

flow to the wound. The cam 55 oscillates the oscillator ring 57 which transmits 
the motion to stimulation ring 25. The stimulator ring can oscillate in the 
preferred range of I to 5 mm. The frequency can vary from 20 to 200 cycles 
per minute in the preferred embodiment. The oscillation of the stimulator ring 

25 25 is driven by the motor 51. The battery 56 provides energy to run the motor 
51 which oscillates the stimulator ring 25 to pump the blood 61 from the 
surrounding capillaries in the skin into the wound. Each down stroke of the 
stimulator ring 25 compresses the stimulator spring 53 which provides the return 
motion for the stimulator ring 25. The disposable chemical strip 83 is then 

30 lowered onto the blood bead using a secondary motion spring 74 that is released 
by a secondary motion trigger 75, and suction of the blood initiated. The blood 

-31 - 

WO 97/42888 


is absorbed by the disposable chemical strip 83. The strip is then removed and 
read by the patient. 

The stop and adjustment tabs 19 control the depth of penetration of the 
lancet 30 so that the optimal depth of penetration is reached for a particular 
5 sample site. 

Figure 18 illustrates an integration of the minimally invasive sampling 
device using a disposable piercing, stimulating and puncture depth adjustment 
apparatus 92, The device can assume any of the configurations described by 
this invention. This modification replaces items 19, 30, 72, 25, 3 on a typical 

10 reusable sampling device such as Figure 11. The disposable unit can 

incorporate a test strip, a sample container, an electrical sensing unit, or other 
testing or sampling component. 

Figure 19A shows the concept of a dual alternating stimulation ring 
system. The secondary stimulation ring 120 alternates it's position 180 degrees 

15 out of phase of stimulation ring 25. This creates a peristaltic pumping action on 
the capillaries adjacent to the wound. This device can be used with any 
embodiment to increase the blood flow. Link 121 connects the two rings with 
body 1. The peristaltic pumping results in squeezing the body fluid to the 
wound by massaging the fluid inward towards the wound. 

20 Figure 19B shows the concept of concentric collapsing stimulation ring. 

In this embodiment the inner ring 25 contacts the skin after the outer ring 120. 
Spring 299 provides resistance and sequencing so that the outer ring 120 
contacts the skin prior to inner ring 25. This squeezes the body fluid to the 
wound by massaging the fluid inward towards the wound. 

25 I" an alternate embodiment ring 25 can also function as the sample 

collection tube after lancing needle 16 is retracted. 

In another alternate embodiment compressed gas pulses can be applied in 
the annular spaces between housing 1 and ring 120 and/or between ring 120 and 
ring 25 to massage the skin and stimulate blood flow. Such action by 

30 compressed gas pulses can be used instead of or in combination with the 
movement of ring 120 or other stimulation members. 


WO 97/42888 


Figure 20A illustrates a bell shape capillary tube 150 which is used to 
capture a sample of body fluid. The bell shape capillary is shaped to fit around 
the drop and it is drawn up the tube until it reaches the bulb 151. This assist in 
assuring that adequate sample 152 is drawn and the bulb 151 breaks the 
5 capillary action. The sample 152 is dispensed by compressing the bulb 151. 
The capillary can be heated to increase the draw of the capillary tube and the 
speed of the sample collection. 

Figure 20B and 20C show an alternative method where the sample 152 
is wicked up the tube 150 and the tube is inverted so that the sample can by 
10 transferred to a absorbent test pad 153. 

Figure 20D shows a strait capillary 310 where the sample 152 is wicked 
up the tube 310 and is transferred to the absorbent test pad 153 by capillary 
action of the pad. 

The tubes shown in 20A, 20B, 20C, and 20D can be modified with a 
15 surfactant to increase the ability to wick up the bodily fluid. 

Figure 21 illustrates a device where the oscillation ring 130 is fixtured to 
disposable clamp 3 to oscillate the needle 33 to stimulate the wound and hold it 
open so that it does not close around the wound. In addition a heated ring 135 
can be used to increase the capillary volume to stimulate blood flow. 
20 Figure 22A shows a multiple needle lancing device which is used to 

cause multiple wounds to increase sample size. The multiple needles are of 
sufficient size and length to minimize the pain sensation and still generate 
adequate sample size. 

Figure 22B shows a broader single lancet which is used to cause multiple 
25 wounds to increase sample size. 

Figure 22C and 22D shows a die cut sheet which has small multiple 
barbs formed in it which is used to cause multiple wounds to increase sample 
size. The multiple barbs are of sufficient size and length to minimize the pain 
sensation and still generate adequate sample size. 
30 The lancing device of Figures 22A through 22D can be used in the 

sampling devices disclosed herein. 

- 33 - 

WO 97/42888 


We Claim : 

1. A device for obtaining a sample of body fluid through the skin 

a housing member suitable for use and adapted to contain a 
5 needle for piercing the skin; 

a spring member in the housing for urging the needle to protrude 
from the end of the housing sufficient to penetrate the skin; 

a plunger member for retracting the needle against the spring 
tension and a trigger member to engage the plunger to hold the needle 
10 retracted until released by the trigger; 

a stop member to limit the depth of needle penetration of the skin 
when released by the trigger; 

a sample container communicating with the needle for receiving 
the sample from the needle; and 
15 a second spring for retracting the needle from the skin and a 

suction cam and plunger activated upon the retraction of the needle for 
drawing the sample of fluid which accumulates on the surface of the skin 
into the sample container. 

2. A device according to claim 1 comprising a skin stimulation 
20 member for contacting and massaging the skin; 

a skin stimulation member for contacting and massaging the skin; 
an oscillation system for oscillating the skin stimulation member; 


a spring and actuator member adapted for activating the 
25 oscillation system upon retraction of the needle from the skin. 

3. A device according to claim 2 comprising: 

an actuator to deploy the stimulation member in the down 
position before needle penetration of the skin for holding the skin taut 
and for providing accurate depth control of needle penetration. 


WO 97/42888 


4. A device according to claims 1, 2 or 3 comprising: 

an actuator system for cyclic movement of the needle in the 
vertical or horizontal direction while the needle is inserted into the skin. 

5. A device for obtaining a sample of body fluid through the skin 
5 comprising: 

a housing member adapted to contain a needle for piercing the 


a drive means in the housing for urging the needle to protrude 
from the end of the housing sufficient to penetrate the skin; 

10 a stop member to limit the depth of needle penetration into the 


skin by the device means; 

a sample container communicating with the needle for receiving 
the sample from the needle; 

means for retracting the needle from the skin; and 
15 means for drawing the sample of fluid which accumulates on the 

surface of the skin into the sample container upon needle retraction. 

6. A device according to claim 5 further comprising a skin 
stimulation member for contacting and massaging the skin at the point of needle 

20 a skin stimulation member for contacting and massaging the skin; 

an oscillation system for oscillating the skin stimulation member; 


a spring and actuator member adapted for activating the 
oscillation system upon retraction of the needle from the skin. 

25 7. A device according to claim 6 further comprising a spring and 

actuator member adapted for activating the oscillation system upon retraction of 
the needle from the skin. 

- 35 - 

WO 97/42888 




8. A device for obtaining a sample of body fluid through the skin 

a housing member suitable for hand held use and adapted to 
contain a member or system for piercing the skin; 

a sample collection tube positioned to collect a sample of fluid 
emerging from the pierced skin; and 

an actuator for causing the member or system to pierce the skin. 

9. A device according to claim 8 wherein the system for piercing the 
skin comprises laser system or a fluid under pressure directed to pierce the skin. 

10. A device according to claim 8 wherein the member for piercing 
the skin comprises a needle positioned adjacent the end of the tube and driving 
member for urging the needle into the skin and a second member for retracting 
the needle from the skin. 

11. A device according to claim 10 wherein the tube is a 

15 multichambered tube containing in one chamber a needle and adapted for 
receiving the sample in a second chamber. 

12. A device according to claims 8, 9, 10 or 1 1 comprising a pump 
system for pulling the fluid sample into the tube. 

13. A multichambered tube for use in a body fluid sampling device 
20 for obtaining a sample of fluid through the skin comprising: 

one chamber in the tube containing a needle adapted for piercing 
the skin; and 

a second chamber in the tube adapted for receiving a sample of 
fluid from the pierced skin. 


WO 97/42888 


14. A device for collecting a sample of body fluid from a wound in 
the skin comprising: 

a housing member suitable for use containing a chamber for 
collecting a sample of fluid emerging from the wound; and 
5 a skin stimulation member movably positioned at the end of the 

housing member for contacting a massaging the skin near the wound to 
stimulate the flow of fluid to and out of the wound. 

15. A device according to claim 14 wherein a stimulation member is 
positioned between the chamber and the housing and is adapted to telescopically 

10 extend from the housing to contact the skin and pump the body fluid to the 

16. A device according to claim 15 wherein the stimulation member 
is adapted to increase the opening of the wound and enhance fluid flow from the 

15 17. A device according to claim 15 wherein the stimulation member 

is adapted to stroke the skin toward the wound to enhance fluid flow from the 

18. A device according to claim 2, 6 or 14 wherein the stimulation 
member comprises a polygon, square, circular or annular shape, a paddle or 

20 squeegee member, a system for employing a fluid under pressure to contact and 
stimulate the skin, or a fluid contained in a flexible membrane for contacting 
and stimulating the skin. 

19. A needle for piercing the skin comprising a hollow tube having a 
pointed spade protrusion extending substantially longitudinally from a portion of 

25 one side of the end of the tube. 

- 37 - 

WO 97/42888 


20. A needle according to claim 19 wherein the spade portion is 
angled toward the center line of the tube. 

21. A needle having an angled or beveled tip for piercing the skin 
comprising a hollow tube wherein the longitudinal passageway in the tube is 

5 eccentrically located in the tube. 

22. A device for use in a body fluid sampling device for obtaining a 
sample through the skin comprising: 

a standoff member adapted for contacting the skin; 
a sample collection tube positioned in the standoff member for 
10 receiving the fluid sample; 

a lancet member movably positioned in the standoff member 
adjacent to the tube for piercing the skin; and 

electrodes positioned in the standoff member adapted for 
connection to a sensor to sense the presence of fluid within the standoff 
15 member. 

23. The device of claim 22 further comprising electrodes positioned 
in the collection tube for connection to a sensor to sense the presence and 
amount of fluid within the collection tube. 

24. A device according to claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 20 or 22 further 
20 comprising: 

an integral test unit for testing the sample. 

24. A device according to claim 23 wherein the test unit comprises a 
colorimetric test unit or an electrochemical test unit. 

25. A device of claims l t 5, 8, 13, 14, or 22 adapted to receive a test 
25 device unit which absorbs the sample from the wound site. 


WO 97/42888 


26. A body fluid collection device comprising a capillary tube flared 
on one end for contacting the skin and having a suction member positioned on 
the opposite end. 

27. A device according to claim 26 further comprising a test strip on 
5 which the fluid sample is deposited from the capillary tube. 

28. A device for use in a body fluid sampling device for obtaining a 
sample through the skin comprising: 

an elongated holder member having a plurality of passageways 
extending longitudinally through the member; and / 
10 lancet members positioned in said passageways and adapted for 

creating a plurality of wounds in the skin when contacted with the skin. 

29. A device for use in a body fluid sampling device for obtaining a 
sample through the skin comprising: . 

a plate member having a plurality of sharp protrusion extending 
15 from one side of the plate member adapted for creating a plurality of 

wounds in the skin when contacted with the skin. , 

30. A device according to claims 2, 6 or 14 wherein the stimulation 
member or system comprises a flat spiral spring, ultrasonic action, piezoelectric 
action, heating, friction or vibration. 

20 ■ . 31. A lancing device for piercing the skin comprising multiple 

lancing members formed from needles or barbs. 

32. A method of collecting a sample of body fluid which includes 
piercing the skin; 


WO 97/42888 


mechanically stimulating the wound created by piercing the skin; 
collecting the sample which results from the stimulating; and 
dispensing the sample. 

33. A device according to claim 4 wherein the activator system 
5 comprises ultrasonic, piezoelectric, mechanical or electrical action. 

34. A device according to claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 14 or 22 further 
comprising a system for injecting a material into the skin. 

35. A device according to claims 1, 5, 13, 14 or 22 further 

y . 
comprising suction means for pulling a sample into the needle, tube or chamber. 

10 36. A device according to claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 25. 22, 28, 29 or 31 

wherein the needle, the system for piercing the skin or lancet member is adapted 
to pierce the skin at an angle less than 90°. 

37. A device according to claim 36 adapted to stimulate the skin prior 
to or during the peircing the skin. 

15 38. A device according to claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 22, 28, 29 or 31 

wherein the portion of the device which pierces the skin and the portion of the 
device which collects or contains the sample are disposable units. 

39. A device according to claims 1 , 5, 8, 13, 14, 22, 28, 29 or 3 1 
wherein the portion of the device which pierces the skin is adapted to oscillate 

20 while inserted into the skin which oscillation is by vertical, horizontal, rotation 
or cyclic movement 

40, A device according to claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 14 or 22 further 
comprising a system for imposing an electric potential across the skin from a 


WO 97/42888 


point distant from the wound in the skin to a point near or in the wound in the 

41. A device according to claims 1, 5, 8, 13, 14 or 22 comprising a 
system to measure the volume of the sample collected. 

5 42. A device according to claim 41 wherein the measuring system is 

adapted to stop the sample collection at a predetermined volume of sample. 

43. A device according to claims I, 5, 8, 13, 14, 22 or 26 wherein the 
sample container or sample collection tube comprises a material having an 7 
affinity for the sample fluid sufficiently high to collect the fluid sample from the 

10 surface of the skin but sufficiently low to allow the fluid sample to wick from 
the container or tube when placed in contact with a test strip or device having 
an affinity for the fluid sample higher than that of the container or tube. 

44. A method of collecting a sample of body fluid comprising: 
piercing the skin with a hypodermic needle; 

15 withdrawing the needle from the skin; 

massaging an area adjacent the wound; and 
collecting a sample of fluid from the surface of the skin into the 
hypodermic needle. 

45. A method for collection a sample of a body fluid comprising: 
20 mechanically massaging a skin area; 

piercing the skin to create a wound; 

mechanically massaging a skin area adjacent the wound; and 
collecting a fluid sample from the wound or the surface of the skin. 

46. A method according to claim 45 comprising inserting a device to 
25 pierce the skin and oscillating the device in the wound. 

-41 - 



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FIG. 3 


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V v 





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FIG. 4C 


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FIG. 4F 

FIG. 4G 


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FIG. 41 


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FIG. 5 A FIG. 5B 

FIG. 6B 


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FIG. 11 


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FIG. 13 FIG. 14 


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FIG. 15 FIG. 16 



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FIG. 19 A 


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WO 97/42388 


FIG. 20 A 

FIG. 20B 




FIG. 20C 

FIG. 20D 


WO 97/42888 



FIG. 21 





International application No. 


IPC(6) :A6IB 17/32 

USCL ;606/181 
According to International Patent CUwifictUoo (IPC) or to both 

national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification lyraboU) 
U.S. : 606/181 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included m the fields 


Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, .earch term, used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

US 5,368.047 A (SUZUKI etal.) 29 November 1994, entire 

US 5,165,418 A (TANKOVICH) 24 November 1992, entire 

US 4,637,403 A (GARCIA et al.) 20 January 1987, entire 

US 4,994,073 A (GREEN) 19 February 1991, entire 

US 4,627,445 A (GARCIA et al.) 09 December 1986, entire 

US 4,360.016 A (SARRINE) 23 November 1982, entire 

1, 5, 8, 10, 12, 
19-21, 41, 42 

8, 9 

8, 23-25 
28, 29, 31 

14, 30, 32, 38, 
41. 42. 


*j Further docuroenti ut H»trd in the contimatioa of Box C. Q Sec patent 

family annex. 


fifiaf •■■> or priority 


torfior 49C)mI|mUM m or after tfco 

■ pfi 

i of 


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Hnj"lr o l!h!»VZ tlhT^ ^^T ^iiZ ^^dooas^fatoamoloma 

^cMmmlaswfU) *Y* I * **** wh »a « ctofcnoa i n i [ ■ «— et 

log— m mfcwtog to m oral <SkW ml nfcil ¥ ■ or — — " ?! i^"^?* JT*"? *V* """■ IB< 

beat obvfea to a pom «JM k to art 

■J prior tot 

"Tr| in tosh— ..■ 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
17 AUGUST 1997 

Name and mailing address of the ISA/US 
T False* and T 

Box per 

Washington, D.C. 20231 
Facsimile No. (703) 305-3230 

Form PCTY1SA/210 (second sbeetXJuly 1992)* 

Date of mailing of the international search report 

1 2 SEP 1997 

Authorized officer 

Telephone No. (703) 308-0824 



International application No. 


Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant paiaagca 

Relevant to claim No. 

US 4,687,000 A (EISENHARDT et al.) 18 August 1987, entire 

8, 36 

Form PCT/IS A/210 (continuation of second ghectXJuly 1992)*